Saturday, July 08, 2006


Well, it's been a busy week , what with all that mountain biking, and being invaded by pirates, and all.

Aurora and Friends dressed up for the Thursday midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean, perusing their treasure map. (Gold? What Gold? We're looking for Jack and Will!)

Yes, it's a blurry, bad picture (other people's children ,you know...) but it's proof of Pirate sightings!

In spite of it all, I did make a little knitting progress. I finally put the finishing touches on my Knitting Pure and Simple Baby Sweater. I love this pattern, but next time I think I'll add buttonholes and buttons.

I know I keep swearing to be a natural fibers person, but I wanted this to be machine washable and dryable, so I made with Peter Pan DK by Wendy -- a very nice, very soft yarn. It's also much prettier than the picture. This colorway is a soft yellow with little flecks of other pastels.

I'm also on the home stretch on sock #1. Wonder if I can get sock#2 to look anything like it?

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